Our Way

Kolb's experiential learning theory

Process before Single Occasions

Our work process has the intention of ensuring top quality delivery to our clients as well as learning opportunities for us. We offer development programmes designed with workshops spread over time, with time for practice, reflection and insights in between. We assume modern scientific models and theories for effective learning, such as Kolb's experiential learning theory and  the AGES model, created by Neuroleadership Institute. We believe that when we experiment and co-create with a growth mindset together with clients and partners, 1 + 1 could be 11.

Everything communicates, and the more we practice to scan our own system and others',  it becomes easer for us to interpret, understand and take action. 

We know that by using experience-based activities we integrate new knowledge in our system faster and with more authenticity than with traditional methods. As we engage as many of our senses as possible, learning sticks better. 

Systemic thinking

We are systems, human biological systems with a brain and a body with all its senses. All parts work together. Thoughts and emotions affect our actions and our actions affect our emotions and thoughts. It all fits together.

Have you ever had a sore shoulder or any other achy spot in you body? Maybe efter a stressful period?  It's probably your body telling you that you have been too tense for too long. Stress kan settle in our bodies. After a treatment, like massage, it might go away. Or at least, diminish. If we consciously alter our way of thinking, we can think away our pain. If we don't do anything about our stressful situation or our thoughts about it, the pain is likely to return. Then, recovery takes longer. 

In order to make our system function and become balanced, we need to help ourselves by creating the proper prerequisites for it, so that our brains and bodies cooperate and give us the opportunity to feel good and perform well. Not just a quick fix for the day, but sustainably – for the future as well. 

Our Work Process
SCARF Domain Survey by YesBox Pulse

We boost engagement – before, during & after

With survey tools, i.a. YesBox Pulse, we find out where the organisation bleeds.  We also carry out interviews and tailor preparatory home assignments.  Regardless of the setup of development program, we make sure that our participants are well prepared, understand the scope and look forward to attending. During our sessions and workshops, we mix activities that meet our brains' ability to take in, process and integrate new information and material. After the program, we offer activities that strengthen and prolong the learning process in the daily working life – like having a co-pilot, journaling, installing  lunch-&-learn etc.

Subject Oriented Tools

Our toolbox contains tools that are subject oriented, which means that it's the participants who interpret and create meaning from them. We use the tool Value.Online for work with values,  and Core Quadrants when it comes to strengths, pitfalls and challenges.

Both these tools are excellent and easy to work with to create awareness and development plans for individuals, teams and organizations.

We have made a conscious choice to work with this particular tools as they agree well with our need for autonomy – to have a say about ourselves.  When other people define us, we can find ourselves in a threat state and shut down. 

We also mean that we are all a combination of all the "colours" that sometimes symbolize different traits in people. We ar not just a "red" or "blue" person, which some models claim. Still, it's great to be aware of traits, strengths and weaknesses to be able to chose how we want to work with them if we feel the need to change and develop.

Also, we are not static creatures. I am not "blue" my whole life, or "she's "red", so let her do the kind of work she always has". This kind of mindset can be very judgmental and does not bring the best out of people. 

Test the tool Core Quadrants. Start with a quality and work your way through the quadrant.

Why should we focus more on our qualitys and strengths?

Our brain is programmed up to 10 times more on threats than reward.  That means 10 times more for negative than positive. At the same time we are able to perform better out of a positive state of mind.

So- we want to put our attention on strengths and qualities – without ignoring weakness.


With the tool Value.Online you map your most prioritized values right now. A Meaning map looks like this after you have ranked them online.

It becomes meaningful to you as you tell your stories about why the particular value is important to you. Also when you have lived according to the value or what happened when you or somebody else did not.

Which values du you want to live by in the future, and how can you act more in alignment with your values today in the workplace?  Organizations have their own values to consider. 

When we share stories about values with others, relationships are built and trust increases. A great foundation for cooperation, team work and well-being.